Everything About Bowen Therapy
The idea behind Bowen therapy has been there for many centuries even though it has only been in existence for approximately sixty years. The person behind this technique used to be a spiritual healer who is believed to have been gifted with the capability of feeling and sensing vibrations in the soft tissues, nerves, and muscles by the use of his fingers and sense of touch. The purposes of creating Bowen therapy was in order to help relieve pain in people suffering from physical ailments. From that time, this technique has been used on many patients, from elderly people to the newborn babies. It keeps becoming popular due to its holistic nature.
During Bowen therapy, there is no force that is applied, only a simple movement is done by Bowen therapist. A therapist uses their thumbs and fingers to move the muscles and tissues in the body. This stimulates improved wellness in the entire body through a very simple process. Just by touching the tissues and muscles, these professionals relies on their positive energy to locate the areas that requires spiritual healing hence moving between them in coordination. This coordination is so that the therapists can leave enough room for spiritual healing to happen before doing it again. Within two or three sessions of doing this, what was ailing the patient begins to improve with the pain and discomfort eventually disappearing. Although this technique is supposed to be used together with the current medical treatment, many people stop taking their medication at some point to fully rely on Bowen therapy since they find its success rate so high.
Simply, Bowen therapy works by helping the body to learn how to cure itself from within. Through certain certain areas of gentle pressure, the technique transfers neurological impulses to the brain hence relaxing the muscles. This provides an overall reduction in pain. The moves done by therapists produces energy flow in the body which are then released to the central nervous system in order to bring back how the normal body movement used to be like without the current pain. This is especially very relieving to people with constriction of blood flow and muscle spasms. Once the body is restored into a state of balance, it then responds by alleviating the pain from the patient.
Many of these movements are performed at the point where muscles originates within the belly. This is because it is the location where many tension lies within the body in the nervous system. When these muscles are stretched, much of the pain relief is stimulated all over the body. Bowen therapy also helps in dissolving both emotional and physical stress felt by the body hence leading to relief of pain. The technique also helps in relieving pain at joint area. It can also be done on the spine in order to relieve back pain. Reactions can also be stimulated within other body areas such as insomnia and circulation issues. Generally, Bowen therapy can help in clearing energy blocks as well as enhancing the overall mind and body wellness.